I miss my friend. I never talked to him for such a long time now. Since I’ve been here abroad, I slowly lost contact with him. I must say I truly miss him. Once, did my other friends advise me not to be too close with him because they knew it will be difficult for me when I leave. And it did. It’s hard to believe that somehow, I lost him already. He had been so dear to me. I’m happy having him as a friend. I admire him in every way. When it comes to life, family, work and love he always has a say. He could make me laugh on his own simple way. He always has never ending stories about anyone and anything under the sun. I know his love story and I admire his patience when it comes to that. He also shares some of his shortcomings and I’m happy he trusts me with those for opinions. His humor in all times I really miss. I don’t know what really happened. I keep on trying to reach out to him but it seems that he’s the one cutting the thread. If I would to give up, I don’t know when. But I keep on hoping that somehow he will remember me. A friend he once had and will always be there for him. In any chance I hope he could read this and recognize that he’s the one I’m referring into.
I have so many friends, but few only stays. Too few remembers… But despite all these, they will always be a friend to me because once you’ve been there, you’ll always be a part of my life story that I can never erase…and will stay there for the rest of my life until I live happily ever after…